HiredScore's Science Advisory Board (SAB)

The HiredScore SAB is a community of academic experts from leading universities whose areas of expertise encompass computer science, ethical algorithms, labour market economics, psychology, and sociology. Our goal is fostering the responsible use of artificial intelligence in human resources and workforce solutions. We believe sharing insights and providing strategic advice will help bridge the gap between science and compliant AI.

Board Members

Dr. Hamsa Sridhar Bastani
Dr. Hamsa Sridhar Bastani

Assistant Professor of Operations, Information and Decisions at the Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania

Prof. Peter Cappelli
Prof. Peter Cappelli

George W. Taylor Professor of Management at The Wharton School and Director of Wharton’s Center for Human Resources

Prof. William "Bill" Kerr
Prof. William "Bill" Kerr

D’Arbeloff Professor of Business Administration at Harvard Business School

Prof. Danielle Li
Prof. Danielle Li

Associate Professor, Technological Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Strategic Management at MIT Sloan

Prof. Toby Stuart
Prof. Toby Stuart

Leo Helzel Chair of Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Faculty Director, Berkeley Haas Entrepreneurship Program, Distinguished Teaching Fellow

Prof. Duncan Watts
Prof. Duncan Watts

Stevens University Professor, University of Pennsylvania; Founder and Director of CSS Lab at Penn

See what the Science Advisory Board is working on

The Science Advisory Board is involved in research, white papers, academic publications, ethical AI discussions, industry leaders gatherings, and more!

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